REUNION - 1999

L-R Front Row: Frankie Rector Latimer, Genieve Walls Justice, Dorthy Bishop Perry, Betty Jo Richardson Abbott, Rosalie Chiericozzi Hurt, Janet Belcher Cramlich, Beverly Pigg Chipouras, Helen Green Lang, Jackie Poe Lose, Jean Turpin Phipps, Glenda Dawson Johnston, Gloria Belcher Phillips, Mary Waddell Doss.  Back Row:  Richard Bowman, Donald Ratcliff, John Hurt, Herbert Mabry, Fred Taylor, Frank Caperton, Richard Douglas, Richard Day, Gerald Eden, Max Willard, John Thomas, Norman Blankenship, Bob Widener.  Not Pictured:  Bob Hardison, Bill & Alice Mayhew Shaw (Class of '53), Otto (Happy) Keesling.

Photo  by John Spencer, 540-562-0005, provided compliments of John Hurt, WHS '54

 WHS 1954 Senior Class Photos       WHS 1954 Class Reunion 1986
WHS 1954 Reunion Snapshots      WHS 1954 Reunion Plans
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