First row L-R: Rosemary Brunschwyler Kenney, Betty Callaway
Radford, Phyllis Henderson Jones, Margaret Berkey Moorefiled, Agnes Goins
Scott, Mary Marshall Brewster, Anna Day Gray, Kathleen Cernak Hill, Margaret
Williams Graves, Nancy Pigg Kourl, Katherine Crawford Waldron, and Jessie
Mae Akers David. Second row: Pauline Cox Cook, Gwendolyn Austin
Brammer, Eugenia Summers Phillips, Lotus Green McKinney, Jane Bearre White,
Sona Gillespie Belcher, Loraine Antonacci, Mary Quattro Premo, Birdie Milam
Beavers, Mary Basso, and Antoinette Fazio Tolley. Third row: Tony
J. Romeo, Eloise Hardin McKenna, Mary Ann Harrah Lock, Ralph Pack, Winifree
Harrah, George Haynes, Raymond Gray, Tony Battlo and Julia Ricci Pennington.
Fourth row: James Gianato, Jackie Orrison, Arnold Takach, Richard
McPeake, Floyd Hendricks, Harold Shaffer, Cecil Akers, Augustine Signaigo,
and Frank Steinke. Fifth row: David Cooke, Joe Peery, Paul
Miano, Lewis Bell, and Alfred Perdue.